
Find Me Around the Web

If you enjoy My Florida Backyard, you may want to check out these other places to find me on the web: - Birds & Blooms is a very popular bi-monthly magazine about gardening and backyard birding. A few years ago, they started a blog and I was pleased to be asked to be a blogger. I usually write two posts a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with a focus on native gardening, butterflies, and garden projects. Other bloggers focus on gardening, birding, recycled gardening, and more. There's plenty there to interest anyone who loves wildlife gardening, so please drop by and see what's going on. (You'll also occasionally find articles by me in the magazine itself.) - I work part-time as an assistant curator at the MOSI Tampa BioWorks Butterfly Garden and Flight Encounter. Part of that job involves writing posts for our blog, Tales from the Butterfly Garden. The posts are mainly butterfly-focused, of course, but we also write about butterfly and Florida-Friendly plants, wildflowers, and other happenings in the garden. We generally post two times a week, on Tuesday and Friday. You can also follow us on Facebook.

I've also started "Pinning" on Pinterest for both Birds & Blooms and BioWorks. It's a lot of fun and gives me a chance to share ideas from my own archives as well as draw from the never-ending panoply of creativity living out there on the internet. To follow my pins there, visit the Birds & Blooms Pinterest Page and the BioWorks Keepers Pinterest Page.