
Sunday, February 7, 2010

This Bud's for You

On honor of Superbowl Sunday, today we salute the Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) tree. (Not following the logic? Superbowl = Beer Drinking = Budweiser = Bud = Redbud tree. Too much of a stretch for you? Too bad!)

My Florida Backyard isn't fortunate enough to have one of these beauties, but a neighbor down the way has one, and we can enjoy the view for free.

Native redbuds are deciduous and in Florida are often considered an early sign of spring. The redbuds began to bloom a week or two ago, and are reaching their peak now. Click here to see some nice up-close shots of redbud blooms taken in the MOSI gardens by a friend of My Florida Backyard.

About a month after the Great Freeze of 2010, most things are recovering nicely. The grass is green again, many plants are putting out new shoots and buds, and the sun is warm on our backs even if the breeze is still a bit cool. Spring is here in My Florida Backyard, and it's nice to have a redbud tree nearby to confirm it!

(Sorry for the blurry picture - it's really hard to get a clear picture of a tree on a windy day!)

1 comment:

  1. I love redbud trees...actually, I like any kind of flowering tree. Great title for your post.
