
Thursday, March 24, 2011


The Confederate Jasmine on the north side of our house is entirely covered in buds right now, and we know in a few days the whole neighborhood will be full of their scent. In fact, My Florida Backyard is full of buds right now, little packages of promise of the colors and fragrance to come.

Confederate Jasmine:


Gaura lindheimeri:

Salvia farinacea:

Tropical Milkweed:



While the buds may not be as flashy as the blooms, they give such a delicious sense of anticipation that we enjoy them nearly as much as the flowers that will follow.


  1. Our Confederate Jasmine vine is full of buds too and I can hardly wait to have their scent filling the air. I look forward to these blooms every spring. Anticipation is a huge part of gardening.

    Happy spring and Happy gardening ~ FlowerLady

  2. I love all the possibility in every bud!

  3. There's a lot of anticipation going on in your garden, but soon you'll have lots of beautiful blooms.

    Also, just wanted to let you know there's a "caladium giveaway" going on at my other blog: http://centralfloridagardener.blogspot. If you'd like a chance to win one of the two $55 gift certificates for some caladium bulbs from Happiness Farms, please head over there and leave a comment.
