
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Prettty Visitors

Spring is rapidly heating up into summer here in My Florida Backyard, with afternoon highs reaching 85 and higher most days. It's ideal butterfly weather, and today we saw a couple of our favorite springtime visitors.

Buckeyes (Junonia coenia) are some of the first butterflies to appear in the spring in Florida, and we've been seeing them regularly in the gardens since mid-February this year. Before too much longer, they'll start to head north for the summer, as our Florida temperatures get to be a little to much for them by June.

Another common spring visitor is the Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta). They're about the same size as the Buckeye, and lately they seem to be everywhere! Red Admirals are one of those butterflies that have the ability to land and pretty much disappear from sight, as their underwings are colored perfectly to blend in with their surroundings.

We've been enjoying these perfect spring afternoons in My Florida Backyard, knowing that before long the sultry heat of summer will keep us indoors a little more. It's wonderful to share the gardens with butterflies enjoying the spring sunshine as well!


  1. Watching the butterflies is one of my most favorite things to do in my garden. Your photos have captured these two specimens perfectly. Love the camoflage pic of the Red Admiral.

  2. Great butterfly pics. I love watching them but sure wish I had a better camera when trying to photograph them.
