
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Blanket on the Ground

We've been busy the last week or so... out-of-town guests, busy work schedules, and seemingly dozens of other things conspired to keep us from spending nearly as much time in My Florida Backyard as we would have liked. Fortunately, My Florida Backyard is perfectly capable of surviving and even thriving on benign neglect, and new blooms are popping up everywhere - not the least of which is the Blanket Flower.

Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) is a wonderful native Florida wildflower. It asks for nothing but soil (sand will do), sun, and the occasional bit of rain, and rewards you with loads of cheery blooms for months on end. Then, it spreads its seeds, ensuring its return for years to come. In fact, all of our Gaillardia come from a single packet of seed we purchased for a couple of bucks a few years ago.

Gaillardia is great for pollinators and a natural in a wildflower garden. You'll often find it along roadsides and in wildflower meadows, and anywhere native flowers are emphasized. It does well in containers and is even salt-tolerant, so it's really perfect just about anywhere in this great state of ours.

Now that we've had a chance to slow down and admire what My Florida Backyard has been up to recently, we look forward to catching up a little more. Look for more posts in the days ahead on what our garden's been doing while we've been looking the other way!


  1. I feel the same way about Blanket flower.I think all Florida gardeners do.What's not to love about it?

  2. I love this plant but have been unsucessful at growing it from seed! I'll keep tryin'...Yours are lovely!

  3. Blanket flowers are happy looking.


  4. i love these planets.Blanket flower looking so attractive.

    Gifts to Pakistan

  5. I put out seed late summer last year. This year they all came up. I love them. A new one just came up and instead of being multi-colored, it is yellow. I am saving seeds to share with my gardening friends.
