
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Things Look Rosy Now

Look who else has been bursting into bloom while we weren't looking! The Gaura lindheimeri has put on dozens of rosy blossoms in the butterfly garden.

Gaura is native to Florida, although this particular variety ('Whirling Butterflies') has been hybridized to create a more compact plant with a greater number of blooms. The wilder gaura is wonderful too, and both have beautiful little flowers to admire up close.

Spring and its seemingly endless parade of new blooms never fails to amaze us in My Florida Backyard!


  1. These plants are a favorite since they don't seem to be bothered by the cold. Great close-up shot.

  2. I asked my favorite local nursery, Troy's Tropics, about guara. They do carry it sometimes and will put in another order and will call me when it is in. Now to figure out where I can put it.
