
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Natural Blues

As you may know, we can't really get enough salvia in My Florida Backyard. We love discovering a new species to add to the collection, so when we found Bi-color Sage (Salvia sinaloensis) a few months ago, we knew we needed it. We bought two and planted them, but before we could get any pictures, they stopped blooming. Last week's rain seems to have brought them back, though, and flower spikes have started to appear again.

This salvia is native to Mexico, as indicated by the botanical name - sinaloensis refers to the Sinaloa district of Mexico where the plant was first identified. The common name refers to the two colors of the blooms, blue with white centers.

The blooms spikes are gorgeous, but the foliage has a lot going for it too. It forms a nice low-growing mat of green and bronze leaves, making great ground-cover. Bicolor sage can be grown in full sun to part shade, and is said to be hardy all the way down to zero degrees, so we expect it to do quite well here even if we have a frost or two.

Nearly all salvias are wonderful in the butterfly garden as nectar plants (with Salvia splendens being a notable exception), so we can never have too much. Easy to grow, easy to love... those are the kinds of plants we love in My Florida Backyard!


  1. That is one vibrant, beautiful blue salvia.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  2. It's just beautiful! I just love the blue with the white streaks.

  3. I love blue salvias. I grow two species in my garden in Oregon, the bog sage (Salvia uliginosa) and Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'. Hummingbirds feed on both plants, but especially abundantly on the bog sage. I wish I could grow sinaloensis.
