
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There Grew a Little Flower

We realized we've been terribly neglectful of the blog thus far in 2012. We blame this on a combination of a light freeze plus a long dry spell that has made the gardens pretty uninteresting AND winter colds that have kept us confined to couches with tissues and cough drops. The yard has been pretty neglected, and we admit to making absolutely no progress on those 2012 resolutions - we've done no new planting and our backyard is still haunted by stray cats, keeping birds from the feeders and the new bird bath.

Fortunately, life in the great outdoors continues even when you ignore it, and we noticed this weekend that there are dozens of teeny tiny zinnia flowers coming up from seed all around the yard. They are incredibly small (about the size of a nickel at most), most likely from lack of rain or any supplemental watering. Still, they're awfully cute, so we thought we'd share them with you in lieu of anything more exciting.

Here's hoping your 2012 has been a little better than ours so far. We're looking forward to trading the tissues for gardening gloves and getting out to do some garden rehab some weekend soon. Have you been up to anything good in your garden? Tell us about in the comments and give us some inspiration!


  1. Aren't zinnias amazing?!! They keep comin' up no matter the weather!
    I just harvested (a bit late) our sweet potatoes! Looking forward to spring gardening.
    Hope you're feeling strong soon.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are under the weather and hope you will be feeling much better soon.

    'Volunteers' can bring such joy and I think these little zinnias are really cute.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady
